Uncategorized April 24, 2024

Spring is a great time to sell your home! Here’s why.

Why is spring a great time to sell? 

Being outside is more appealing.

When spring time comes around, it often feels like we are getting a new start. It also can help pull some of us out of the ol winter blues. The weather is getting warmer, the grass is getting greener, flowers are blooming, and people tend to get out and about more. Another plus is that your marketing photos will be more colorful and alive than those drab winter ones. If you are considering selling your home in the Spring, it can be quite exciting to think of selling your home, finding a new one, and possibly settling in by Fall.

The timing.

Spring is a great time to sell your home because of landscaping options, more daylight hours, tax returns, timing of school schedules, market activity, and inventory. Spring brings milder weather and more daylight, which, in turn, makes it more encouraging for people to go out and explore properties. Clear blue skies and everything starting to come alive, can make your property look more appealing…boosting that curb appeal. The timing with school is huge, especially in a college town. Families with children typically prefer to move while schools are out as that is one less thing to have to worry about and work around. New college students and incoming Faculty is also a big push in our market. Another reason Spring is a good time to sell your home is that many people receive their tax refunds, thus proving them with extra funds for a down payment or closing costs.

Not sure how to get started?

Please note that of all of the tips above, this one is very important and highly recommended; find yourself a skilled and knowledgeable agent. (We can help with that!) Having a Realtor® on your side helps with the following:

  • Minimizes the stress involved with paperwork and legalities involved
    • making sure your best interests are covered
    • schedule showings
    • negotiation (huge!)
  • They know how to price your home correctly
    • price it right the first time
    • stay competitive
  • They know their market
  • Advises on staging, curb appeal, and decluttering
  • Provide recommendations for maintenance workers and contractors
  • will put your home on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

The real estate market tends to pick up in the spring with more listings and buyers entering the market. That increase in activity can create a sense of urgency, leading to faster sales and potentially better offers for the sellers. This is why spring is a great time to sell your home.

Uncategorized April 10, 2024

Reasons you should host an Open House

~Reasons you should host an Open House~

One might ask, are open houses even beneficial? The short and simple answer to this question is, yes! As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words…however, seeing your potential future home in person is unparallelled. To dive in a little deeper, there are several reasons why you should host an open house and the reasons they are beneficial.

  • Exposure
    • Open houses provide an opportunity for a large number of potential buyers to view the property at once.
    • This exposure can increase the chances of finding a suitable buyer quickly.
  • Feedback
    •  Open houses allow sellers to gather feedback from visitors about the property.
    • This feedback can be valuable in understanding what aspects of the property are appealing and what might need improvement.
  • Serious Buyers
    • While some visitors may be casual browsers, open houses often attract serious buyers who are actively looking for a property.
    • This can lead to more promising leads and potentially faster sales.
  • Networking
    • Open houses can be an opportunity for real estate agents to network with potential buyers and other agents.
    • This networking can lead to future collaborations and referrals.
  • Competitive Advantage
    • Hosting an open house can give a property a competitive advantage in the market.
    • It signals to potential buyers that the seller is motivated and proactive about selling the property.
  • Convenience
    • Open houses provide a convenient way for buyers to view multiple properties in a short amount of time.
    • This can be especially beneficial for out-of-town buyers or those with busy schedules.
  • Marketing Opportunity
    • Open houses serve as a marketing opportunity for the property.
    • They can be advertised through various channels, attracting attention from a wider audience and potentially driving up interest in the property.

A few tips for success when showcasing a property with an open house:

  • Curb appeal
    • Ensure a well-maintained exterior
  • Declutter
    • Remove personal items to allow buyers to visualize the space
  • Deep Clean
    • Pay attention to details for a sparking home, such as baseboards and fan blades
  • Natural light
    • Open curtains for a bright, inviting atmosphere
  • Hospitatily
    • Open refreshments and information to keep visitors engaged.
    • People also love bite sized cookies and glossy flyers they can take with them to refer back.

Implementing these strategies have helped in previous transactions to attract potential buyers and facilitate a faster sale. Overall, while open houses may not always result in an immediate sale, they can be a valuable tool in the marketing and selling process of a property.

Uncategorized December 13, 2023

Military Relocation Real Estate Brokerage

Military relocation, also known as a Permanent Change of Station (PCS), is typically a swift and immediate order. A real estate agent should be well-informed about various aspects specific to military personnel and their unique needs. Our Columbus, MS office is located just off the Main Gate to Columbus Air Force Base and has served many of our Country’s finest in their time of PCS. Here are some important considerations the Agents of ERA Town & Campus Realty keep up to speed on:

  1. Understanding Military Requirements:
    • The military’s policies and regulations regarding relocations, allowances, and timelines. Each branch of the military may have specific guidelines.
  2. Knowledge of Military Installations:
    • Be aware of the local military bases, their facilities, and the surrounding communities. This includes information on base amenities, housing options, and commuting distances.
  3. VA Loan and Financing:
    • Understand the Veterans Affairs (VA) loan process and eligibility criteria. Many military personnel use VA loans, so being knowledgeable about this financing option can be crucial.
  4. Timely Communication:
    • Military moves often have strict timelines. Being prompt and efficient in communication is crucial. Keep in touch with the client and be prepared to adjust schedules to accommodate their unique needs.
  5. Understanding Per Diem and Allowances:
    • Military members may receive per diem allowances during relocation. Knowing the details of these allowances can help in guiding clients on budgeting and housing options.
  6. Familiarity with Temporary Lodging:
    • Military families may need temporary lodging upon arrival at the new duty station. Be able to provide information on local hotels, temporary housing options, and any military-specific lodging facilities.
  7. Proximity to Schools and Services:
    • Consider the proximity of potential homes to schools, healthcare facilities, and other essential services. Families with children may prioritize proximity to good schools, so be knowledgeable about the local education system.
  8. Military-Friendly Communities:
    • Identify neighborhoods that are known for being military-friendly. These areas may have support networks and services catering to military families.
  9. Flexibility with Paperwork and Processes:
    • Military relocations often involve additional paperwork and coordination. Be flexible and willing to navigate through any specific requirements related to military moves.
  10. Security Clearance Issues:
    • Be aware of security clearance issues that may affect the choice of housing. Some military members may require homes in specific areas due to security clearance restrictions.
  11. Local Resources:
    • Provide information on local resources and support services available to military families, such as spouse employment assistance programs and family support services.
  12. Knowledge of Relocation Companies:
    • Familiarize yourself with companies that specialize in military relocations. They may have resources and expertise to facilitate the moving process.

By addressing these considerations, our real estate agents can better serve military clients and make the relocation process smoother for them. Additionally, establishing a strong understanding of the unique challenges and requirements faced by military families can help build trust and rapport.

Uncategorized September 18, 2023

Buying Real Estate – Hidden perks

Buying real estate can offer several potential benefits, depending on your individual circumstances and investment goals. Many people focus in on the short-term benefit of owning property, but there are several hidden perks to being a property owner as well. Here are some of the key advantages of investing in real estate:

  1. Appreciation: Real estate has historically appreciated in value over time. While there are no guarantees, owning property can potentially provide you with long-term capital appreciation, allowing your investment to grow in value.
  2. Rental Income: If you buy a property with the intention of renting it out, you can generate a steady stream of rental income. This can help cover the property’s expenses, including mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance costs, and more.
  3. Tax Benefits: Real estate investors can often benefit from various tax advantages, such as mortgage interest deductions, property tax deductions, depreciation allowances, and more. Consult a tax professional to fully understand these potential benefits.
  4. Portfolio Diversification: Real estate can be a valuable addition to a diversified investment portfolio. It doesn’t always move in tandem with the stock market, so it can help spread risk and reduce overall portfolio volatility.
  5. Leverage: Real estate allows you to use leverage by borrowing money to purchase properties. This means you can control a more substantial asset with a relatively small amount of your own money. If the property appreciates, your return on investment can be amplified.
  6. Hedge Against Inflation: Real estate can be a hedge against inflation because property values and rental income often rise with inflation. This can help protect the purchasing power of your investments over time.
  7. Forced Savings: Owning real estate can encourage disciplined savings as you pay down your mortgage. Each mortgage payment you make builds equity, which is essentially a form of savings.
  8. Control: Real estate investment provides you with a level of control over your investment that you may not have with other assets. You can make decisions about property management, renovations, and more.
  9. Passive Income: If you hire a property management company to handle the day-to-day responsibilities of property ownership, real estate can provide a source of passive income, requiring less active involvement on your part.
  10. Potential for Business Opportunities: Real estate investments can lead to various business opportunities, such as flipping properties, developing land, or running a short-term rental business.

It’s important to note that real estate investments also come with risks and challenges, including property management issues, market fluctuations, and liquidity concerns. Therefore, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research, assess your financial situation, and consider your investment goals and risk tolerance before buying real estate. Contacting a knowledgeable local REALTOR to be an advocate for you is a crucial step in the process. Additionally, seeking advice from financial professionals, real estate experts, and tax advisors can help you make informed decisions about real estate investments.